Penis enlargement

Penis many men are satisfied: there is someone so thin that, according to the owner someone - of sufficient length. Sizes are extremely rare and unsolicited complaints, on the contrary, men wants perfect form sizes and more frequently amazed that dear.

Unclassified materials

penis enlargement

Since ancient times, plastic surgery has been a tool to change the appearance of the penis. Especially applied the following methods:

  • classic circumcision;
  • notch penis decoration;
  • sensory acuity is a kind and unusual to implantation of a foreign body.

Just over penis tattoo are solved more of our time. This is quite simply because the length and thickness of work to solve an urgent problem comes up often by using plastics.

Surgery penis lengthening

The way to extend the penis, quite a lot of, but the most painless and easy process. Such plastics is the best solution what is it and why? Property, it's a chance for the human body, certain organs, "increase", a seizure of the fabric pieces. It has a feature like this, for example, leather and pleasure is a plastic surgeon.

The hyoid bone and extends to the extremity traction recovers crack crack language string is a simple operation, let him to get to heaven is something like the long-awaited sound of "r". In this case, the surgeon also receives a packet, penis elongation, and then back, but already more "on-edge".

To understand how it works, a process of the back anatomical details. Men penis hidden in there, which is the same group that supported a partial spoon trying to be. Called "penis suspensory bunch".

Between the periosteum and the pubic fascia Beech bunch intersecting a sexual member. Beech strip – connecting a group of three at this price this cloth body and smooth penis. Just to be clear, as a group of three to five inches in length of the penis to exempt the secret! But this is only the first part solve a problem.

How surgery penis enlargement

As we have said, pulling the penis has already used the process Old. You are aware of them the ligaments stretch and shrink properties in the long-term exposure. So, some women wear heels anymore after many years flat shoes outsole: high fashion bond requirements decreased. Return true: a long stretch of a bunch, they are affected, and the state remains.

To achieve this effect, a group with suspensory penis, men's clothing – worn – specific machine, expander. Wearing a period of about six months: this so-called "conservative treatment". You must apply to and after the surgery, but only for a very short time. Not a bunch for this service back to the original position. Penis elongation alan posted a bond for the same purpose some fat tissue: he fills in the resulting gap, and extended stays of sexual organs.

Traces the time to go in a natural way to resolve the fatty tissue already, and everything returns to normal. Even the seams have plastic surgery because it won't be noticeable, technical, secret sewing operations.

Functions of the urogenital system remains the same, and the same is true for regardless of the length of the erection penis, it's still work, and it will only give you the process in addition to process alignment.

how to enlarge your penis,

After the surgery the pain passes quickly: the second day anyway I don't need even a weak painkiller. In complex situations, but this is extremely rare, the doctor prescribed antibiotics. In most cases, of course, the graphics ligation – two-three days, Sewing are drawn already after two weeks. Sewing then it doesn't matter, almost no change, in fact, host – prior to.

Now a few months will be needed for wearing the extender. And, although compared with him wearing a conservative method, decreasing 2-3 times a particular discipline is still required.

Hurry Slowly

For the first month, gradually increasing the time that 6-8 hours will be required to wear in a couple of hours. Extender push yourself regularly and see a doctor in any way necessary giving maximum tensile strength: a feeling should not cause pain, just a stretching feeling.

What happens while wearing the extender?

Surgical tells him that takes the shape of a bunch of loose tension. He recovers, increased fabric but more of a long "free" piece of the secret out of the penis. This process is long and laborious, but – reversible: no fear, move everything again to its former size after discontinuation extender. Ligament features, so much so that we've already gone through, acceptance of The Shape of the diamond cutting tools can change, only after a long time intervention.

Surgeons quite often that you encounter with the patient to achieve the desired result "here and now". Regardless of any regenerative ability of the body, nor age, nor a natural reaction of tissue surgical intervention. For example, although the first day or two after surgery when oedema warn clients that some fear and panic before I forget, exactly, nor any scratches on the body react to it as a kid, burns or pain.

And the same is true for a hasty post-operative period: a desire to attract faster and package facilities. It is not recommended to do this here. The reason is extremely simple: a direct reduction of the thickness associated with penis traction fast. Reduce the diameter a few mm of the penis painless and even if not: the system is broken blood flow of the body, as you know, good blood flow and gives full erection. Thus, repeating words salahov friend in the movie "prisoner of the Caucasus" "no, don't hurry!"

Penis thickener - lipofilling

Well, we interpreted the thickness of the penis, here's the good news: using processes entitled, "lipofilling" member you can increase. The truth? Injected into the penis under the skin, oil of a special tissue taken from the patient, for example, layer wife. This is the most natural and natural. Fat tissue, organic, he refused. A little fat percentage (approximately 30%) resorbed over time, but 70% remains.

So, after the surgery your penis will become thicker and 0.5-1.5 cm. This is quite adequate and desired to achieve an effective stimulation to improve the appearance, partner. The effect is long-lasting, almost all life. The process is quick and virtually painless, postoperative complications, virtually no, what makes it very attractive for patients who are.

surgery increasing member

And general operations, and oil filler already opened the safe for the clip and the most popular plastic surgery operations. That they bring a lot of pleasant emotions without affecting in any way the health, self-confidence and, perhaps, to say, to open a door to a wider world of sensual pleasures.